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"These shoes will make your walking a whole lot easier."

Dr. Gretchen Hawley

Physical Therapist & Multiple Sclerosis Specialist

"With Cadense Shoes you can walk easier, move better, and stay active.

David Lyons

Host Weekend Workout on NBC & Founder MS Fitness Challenge

I can walk and I don't have to worry about stumbling. This is wonderful!

Cindy E.

Customer & MS Community Member

I love them. They have been just a game changer.

Traci C.

Customer & Stroke Community Member

These shoes have been a game changer for me.

Dennis A.

Customer & MS Community Member

Dr Gretchen Hawley

"These shoes will make your walking a whole lot easier."

"With Cadense Shoes you can walk easier, move better, and stay active.

I can walk and I don't have to worry about stumbling. This is wonderful!

I love them. They have been just a game changer.

These shoes have been a game changer for me.

Dr Gretchen Hawley
Dr Gretchen Hawley

Who are Cadense Adaptive Shoes made for?

Discover the wide range of applications Cadense adaptive shoes could be beneficial for.

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