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The Best Morton’s Neuroma Exercises

Posted by:

Johannes Sauer

Updated at: March 17, 2025

Table of Contents
  1. Defining Morton’s Neuroma

  2. Benefits of Foot Exercises for Morton’s Neuroma

    1. Improved Flexibility

    2. Blood Circulation

    3. Muscle Strengthening

    4. Prevention of Further Injuries

  3. Best Morton’s Neuroma Exercises

    1. Calf Stretching

    2. Toe Stretching

    3. Massages

  4. Other Ways to Treat Morton’s Neuroma

Trying to exercise with Morton’s neuroma may sound daunting. But doing so may help you to improve your condition. This post will share the benefits with you, along with some Morton’s neuroma exercises to try.

Defining Morton’s Neuroma

Morton’s neuroma is an inflammatory condition that enlarges the interdigital nerves of the foot. When you are walking, it will feel like you are stepping on a marble or similar small, painful object.

Your doctor may recommend that you participate in physical therapy, including some simple foot exercises for Morton’s neuroma.

Benefits of Foot Exercises for Morton’s Neuroma

Morton’s neuroma foot exercises can enhance flexibility, circulation and strength.

Improved Flexibility

Foot exercises can help you to stretch your ligaments and muscles, increasing your overall flexibility. The pressure on the nerve may decrease as a result.

Blood Circulation

Exercising can help you bring blood flow to your foot, keeping the tissues healthy and promoting healing. 

Exercise also has the benefit of reducing inflammation. As Morton’s neuroma is an inflammatory condition, this can lead to improvements.

Muscle Strengthening

Exercising your feet can help you to build muscle strength in your feet and legs.

Prevention of Further Injuries

The increases to flexibility, strength and circulation can all help you to walk more safely and confidently, reducing the chances of additional injuries to your nerves or other parts of your feet or body.

Mar 17, 2025

Best Morton’s Neuroma Exercises

Now that you know the benefits of exercise for Morton’s neuroma, let’s take a look at some options that your PT might recommend.

Calf Stretching

If you have tight calves, that can result in a buildup of pressure that can make Morton’s neuroma painful in your foot. Try the following exercise for some relief.

1. Stand facing a wall.

2. Put your hands on the wall.

3. Push one of your feet back behind you on the floor. Keep it flat.

4. Lean toward the wall. As you do, your calf will stretch. 

5. Hold for 30 seconds.

6. Release, and switch to the other leg. Repeat the steps above.

Toe Stretching

You can stretch the bottom of the foot with these steps:

1. Sit on a chair.

2. Cross one leg over the other, resting your foot on your knee (the foot with the neuroma).

3. Pull backwards on your toes to produce a stretch along the bottom of your foot. Use your hand to do this. Hold for 30 seconds.

4. Release, then switch to your other foot.


Massage your affected foot. You can do this yourself at home or at work when you have a moment to yourself. Your hand should work fine, but you can also roll a ball across the bottom of your foot.

Be cautious when stretching and massaging. Try not to overdo it. Ease into it, and only push yourself if it isn’t causing you strain.

Other Ways to Treat Morton’s Neuroma

You can also treat Morton’s neuroma using ice, corticosteroids, and pain medications. Orthotic devices and shoes with wide toe boxes can help as well.

Cadense shoes for foot drop fit this description. Moreover, they boast wide, stable bases, cushioning for comfort and support, and lightweight materials that can minimize fatigue when exercising. This makes them great for many foot conditions, as well as general footwear for older adults.

These shoes also include patented variable friction technology, which helps the wearer to “glide” over uneven surfaces. This feature was originally designed for foot drop. But it can also increase comfort and safety in people who are walking with Morton’s neuroma.



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How often should I do these exercises to treat my Morton’s Neuroma?

You can do these exercises every day. If that doesn’t work for you, try to do them several times a week.

Can exercises really help with Morton's neuroma?

Yes, exercising can bring down inflammation, while improving blood flow, strength and flexibility.

In fact, exercising and taking other conservative measures to treat Morton’s neuroma reduce the likelihood of needing surgery.

When should I see a doctor for my Morton's neuroma?

You can try conservative treatments at home. If Morton’s neuroma is not improving, go see your doctor. They can give you further treatment recommendations.

Can I still wear my regular shoes while doing these exercises?

We recommend that you wear Cadense shoes while healing, as they have the characteristics to improve safety and reduce pain while exercising with Morton’s neuroma.

Posted by: Johannes Sauer

Johannes is the CEO and Co-Founder of Cadense and passionate about helping people with walking difficulties. Johannes is the CEO and Co-Founder of Cadense and passionate about helping people with walking difficulties. He was immediately drawn to the mission of the company because his cousin lost his lower leg in a tragic motorcycle accident a few years ago and is experiencing walking difficulties ever since. Johannes brings over a decade of experience in working for consumer product companies to Cadense. He holds an MBA from the University of Graz in Austria. Johannes lives with his family in Santa Barbara, CA.

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