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Best Shoes for Neuropathy

Engineered for Ultimate Neuropathy Support and Comfort

White Adaptive Sneaker
Person touching their own feet

What is neuropathy?

Neuropathy is a condition where damaged nerves lead to chronic pain, numbness, and tingling, primarily in the feet and hands. It's a common side effect of diabetes and other medical conditions that impact nerve health. For those living with neuropathy, everyday movements can become a source of discomfort, making even a short walk feel daunting.

That's where specially designed shoes come into play…

Shoes crafted for neuropathy are not just ordinary footwear; they are engineered with the utmost comfort in mind to provide the support that sensitive feet require.

The materials used in neuropathy-specific shoes are chosen for their flexibility and ability to conform to the unique shape of your feet, ensuring a snug but gentle fit. This adaptability is crucial for accommodating any swelling or changes in foot shape that often accompany neuropathy.

With the right pair of shoes, those with neuropathy can regain confidence in their mobility and move towards a more comfortable daily life.

Symptoms of neuropathy

Neuropathy can present a range of symptoms that vary from person to person, but there are common signs to watch out for. Each of these symptoms can impact daily living and overall well-being. Recognizing and addressing them with appropriate medical care and supportive measures, like wearing the right shoes, is key to managing neuropathy effectively.


Numbness is often one of the earliest indicators of neuropathy. It's a sensation—or lack thereof—that can leave your feet or hands feeling as if they aren't there, similar to the effect of them "falling asleep."


Following numbness, tingling sensations may occur, giving you the distinct feeling of "pins and needles." This sensation is your body's way of signaling that the nerves are experiencing interference or damage.


Neuropathic pain can vary widely in its intensity and nature. Some describe it as a sharp, stabbing pain that comes suddenly, while others experience a constant, burning discomfort.


Increased sensitivity to touch or temperature changes is another common symptom of neuropathy. This heightened sensitivity can make even light contact with the skin feel uncomfortable or painful.


Neuropathy can lead to muscle weakness in the affected areas, making it difficult to perform tasks that require fine motor skills, such as buttoning a shirt or typing.

Balance issues

Problems with coordination and balance are significant symptoms of neuropathy that can increase the risk of falls. When the nerves in the feet are damaged, it can be hard to maintain stability, leading to unsteadiness when standing or walking.

Man and woman posing with adaptive sneakers

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Causes of neuropathy

Neuropathy can stem from a wide array of conditions and factors. Here are some of the most common culprits:


The most prevalent cause of neuropathy is diabetes, particularly when blood sugar levels are poorly controlled. High blood sugar can damage nerves over time, leading to diabetic neuropathy, which commonly affects the feet and hands.

Infections and autoimmune diseases

Certain viral or bacterial infections can directly impact nerve tissues, or trigger autoimmune responses that cause nerve damage.

Genetic disorders

Some neuropathies are hereditary and are caused by genetic mutations. These inherited forms of neuropathy can present at any stage of life and vary in severity.

Nutritional deficiencies

Deficiencies in essential vitamins, particularly B vitamins, can affect nerve health. Poor diet, alcoholism, and malabsorption can lead to these deficiencies and subsequent nerve damage.


Chronic alcohol abuse can lead to nerve damage, partly due to the toxic effects of alcohol on nerve tissues and partly due to nutritional deficiencies common in those with alcoholism.

Toxins and medications

Exposure to toxins, including heavy metals and certain chemicals, can cause neuropathy. Additionally, some medications, particularly those used in chemotherapy, can have neuropathic side effects.

Additional health conditions

Other diseases and conditions, such as kidney disorders, liver disease, hypothyroidism, and tumors, can also lead to neuropathy either by directly damaging the nerves or by creating imbalances that affect nerve function.

Treatments for neuropathy

When it comes to treating neuropathy, the approach is as varied as the condition's causes.

Here's a look at the common treatment strategies for neuropathy:


Doctors may prescribe medications that target nerve pain, such as certain antidepressants, anticonvulsants, or topical treatments. In cases where neuropathy is caused by an infection, antibiotics or antivirals are essential.

Lifestyle Modifications

Managing blood sugar levels is crucial for diabetic neuropathy. A healthy diet, regular exercise, and careful monitoring can slow the progression of nerve damage.

Physical Therapy

Physical therapy can help strengthen muscles weakened by neuropathy, improve mobility, and reduce pain.

Assistive Devices

For those with balance issues or muscle weakness, assistive devices like braces or orthopedic shoes can improve stability and help prevent falls.


In cases where neuropathy is caused by pressure on nerves, such as with carpal tunnel syndrome, surgery may be necessary to relieve the pressure.

Alternative Therapies

Some people find relief through alternative therapies like acupuncture, massage, or biofeedback.

Nutritional Support

Supplements may be recommended to address nutritional deficiencies that can lead to neuropathy. Vitamins B12 and B6, in particular, are important for nerve health.

Pain Management Techniques

Chronic pain from neuropathy can also be addressed through various pain management techniques, including electrical nerve stimulation, meditation, and relaxation techniques.

Exercises for neuropathy

Woman doing a Seated Stretch on Yoga Mat

Stretching exercises

Stretching can improve flexibility, reduce stiffness, and enhance blood flow to the affected areas. Gentle stretching exercises, particularly for the legs and feet, can help alleviate neuropathic symptoms.

Balancing Yoga Pose Tree in front of Water

Balance Training

Balance exercises are crucial for those with neuropathy. Simple balance exercises include standing on one foot, heel-to-toe walking, or using a balance board. These should be performed in a safe environment, possibly with support or under supervision.

Reverse Leg Raise Exercise in Group Setting

Strength Training

Strengthening exercises help build muscle mass and support the joints. Using light weights or resistance bands for arm and leg exercises can enhance muscle strength without excessive strain. It's important to start with light resistance and increase gradually under professional guidance.

Close up photo of a hand holding a dumbbell

Hand and Foot Exercises

Specific exercises for the hands and feet can help improve function and reduce pain. For the hands, squeezing a stress ball or putty can maintain dexterity. For the feet, toe curls and marble pickups can help keep the muscles engaged and improve foot mechanics.

Two men wearing black and white adaptive sneaker

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Prevention for neuropathy

While not all types of neuropathy can be prevented, especially those caused by genetics or certain diseases, there are proactive steps you can take to reduce your risk or slow the progression of nerve damage.

Manage Chronic Conditions

If you have a condition that increases your risk of neuropathy, such as diabetes, it's crucial to manage it effectively. Keep your blood sugar levels within the target range through a healthy diet, regular exercise, and medication as prescribed.

Adopt a Balanced Diet

Nutrition plays a significant role in nerve health. Ensure your diet includes plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean protein, and healthy fats. Vitamins B12 and B6 are particularly important for nerve function, so consider foods rich in these nutrients or discuss supplements with your doctor.

Limit Alcohol Consumption

Alcohol can have a toxic effect on nerve tissue and can contribute to vitamin deficiencies. If you choose to drink, do so in moderation.

Avoid Toxins

Minimize exposure to toxins that can cause nerve damage, such as heavy metals and industrial chemicals. Follow safety guidelines if you work with these substances.

Exercise Regularly

Regular physical activity increases blood flow to the limbs and can help prevent damage to the nerves. Aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate exercise most days of the week.

Monitor Medications

Some medications can cause neuropathy as a side effect. If you're starting a new medication, discuss the risk of neuropathy with your healthcare provider.

Protect Your Feet

Proper foot care is essential, especially for those with diabetes. Wear comfortable, well-fitting shoes, check your feet daily for cuts or sores, and see a podiatrist regularly.

Avoid Repetitive Motions

Repetitive, forceful activities can cause certain types of neuropathy by putting pressure on nerves. Take breaks and vary your movements when possible.

Features of neuropathy footwear

When dealing with neuropathy, the right footwear can make a significant difference in comfort and mobility. Shoes designed for those with neuropathic conditions often include several specialized features to help alleviate pain and improve foot health.

Features of neuropathy footwear

When dealing with neuropathy, the right footwear can make a significant difference in comfort and mobility. Shoes designed for those with neuropathic conditions often include several specialized features to help alleviate pain and improve foot health.

Image showing the width of a shoes toe box

Extra Depth and Wide Toe Box

Shoes with extra depth can accommodate swollen feet or special orthotics comfortably. A wide toe box allows toes to spread naturally without constriction, reducing the risk of blisters and calluses which can be problematic for neuropathic feet.

Image showing the ankle support of an adaptive shoe

Firm Heel Counter

A firm heel counter provides stability and support, helping to align the foot correctly in the shoe. This can reduce the strain on the feet and lower the risk of injury.

Adjustable Closure

Shoes with adjustable closures, such as laces, straps, or Velcro, allow for a customizable fit. This is beneficial for accommodating changes in foot size throughout the day, which can occur with certain medical conditions.

Close up of cushioned shoe insole

Cushioned Insole

A cushioned insole absorbs impact and reduces pressure on the bottom of the foot. Many neuropathy-friendly shoes come with removable insoles to accommodate custom orthotics for personalized support.

White Adaptive Shoes by Cadense photographed from the top

Seamless Interior

A seamless interior minimizes irritation and friction, which is crucial for those with sensitive skin due to neuropathy. It helps prevent sores and blisters that can go unnoticed due to numbness.

White Adaptive Shoes by Cadense photographed from the top

Non-Binding Uppers

Shoes with non-binding uppers are made of soft, stretchable materials that conform to the shape of the foot without squeezing or rubbing. This is particularly important for those with neuropathy who may have deformities like hammertoes or bunions.

Breathable Fabric

Good airflow within the shoe helps to keep the feet dry and reduces the risk of fungal infections, which can be more common and harder to treat in people with neuropathy.

pair of black adaptive sneakers

Shock Absorption

Proper shock absorption can help manage the discomfort during walking or standing. This is often achieved through quality midsoles and outsoles that dissipate the force of each step.

Frequently Asked Questions

What aggravates neuropathy in the feet?

Neuropathy in the feet can be worsened by poor blood sugar control, particularly in individuals with diabetes, as high blood sugar levels can lead to further nerve damage.

Wearing inadequate footwear that is too tight, lacks cushioning, or has high heels can increase pressure and discomfort. Excessive alcohol consumption can exacerbate neuropathy by causing nutritional deficiencies.

Activities that put repetitive stress on the feet, such as prolonged standing or walking on hard surfaces without supportive shoes, can also aggravate symptoms.

Should you walk barefoot with neuropathy?

Walking barefoot when you have neuropathy is generally not recommended. Without the protection of shoes, your feet are more vulnerable to injuries, such as cuts or scrapes, which you may not feel due to numbness.

It can also expose your feet to extreme temperatures and rough surfaces, increasing the risk of burns, frostbite, or skin damage. It's important to wear properly fitting, protective footwear that provides support and reduces the risk of injury.

If you have neuropathy, always check with your healthcare provider for personalized advice on foot care and appropriate footwear.

What is the best thing for neuropathy in the feet?

The best approach to managing neuropathy in the feet often involves a combination of treatments and strategies.

It's important to note that what works best can vary from person to person, depending on the cause and severity of their neuropathy.

Should you wear socks to bed with neuropathy?

Wearing socks to bed when dealing with neuropathy can be a helpful practice, but it largely depends on individual circumstances and comfort levels.

One of the primary benefits of wearing socks is the added warmth they provide, as neuropathy can often cause feet to feel unusually cold. Additionally, socks offer a protective layer, which is crucial for those with reduced sensation in their feet, as it minimizes the risk of unnoticed injuries like cuts or blisters.

Has anyone ever reversed peripheral neuropathy?

Reversing peripheral neuropathy is a complex issue and depends greatly on the underlying cause of the condition.

In some cases, peripheral neuropathy can be effectively treated or even reversed, while in other cases, the focus is more on managing symptoms and preventing further nerve damage.

Can you live a long life with neuropathy?

Yes, it is possible to live a long life with neuropathy, although managing the condition effectively is crucial to maintaining a good quality of life.

Neuropathy, which refers to a range of conditions involving nerve damage, can vary greatly in severity and impact.

Does elevating feet help for neuropathy?

Elevating the feet can offer several benefits for individuals with neuropathy, though its effectiveness can vary depending on the individual's condition and the underlying cause of their neuropathy.

One of the primary advantages of elevating the feet is the reduction of swelling, or edema, which is a common accompaniment of neuropathy.

This elevation helps improve circulation, thereby reducing fluid buildup in the lower extremities. Improved blood circulation is crucial for nerve health, and elevating the feet can aid in this, especially after prolonged periods of standing or sitting.

What makes neuropathy worse at night?

Neuropathy symptoms, particularly pain and discomfort, often intensify at night due to a variety of factors. During the day, the distractions of daily activities and tasks can make the pain seem less intense.

However, at night, the lack of these distractions can lead to a heightened perception of pain. Additionally, changes in body temperature, which often occur during sleep, can affect nerve pain, with cooler temperatures sometimes increasing discomfort.

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